
Dec, 2023 - Present

Assistant, Modern Application Development Project – I & II

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

  • Conduct level 1 Viva assessments for Modern Application Development Projects 1 and 2, evaluating student understanding and implementation of the given problem statements.
  • Provide constructive feedback to guide student improvement in project outcomes and for the level 2 Vivas.
  • Collaborate with instructors to ensure alignment between assessments and course objectives.

Sep, 2022 - Aug, 2023

Graphic Designing Team Lead

Erudite Society, IIT Madras

  • Led graphic designing team for an innovative TED Talks-inspired event at IIT Madras' Paradox Fest, creating promotional materials.
  • Played a key role in event conceptualization and execution, ensuring seamless integration of visuals and enhancing attendee engagement. Secured three speakers from diverse fields for the event.

Now let's Check out some of my projects