Ticket Tales V2

A Ticketing WebApp (March, 2023 - Sept, 2023)

  • Developed Ticket Tales, a single-page web application, using Vue.js for the frontend and Flask for the backend, with features for booking and managing tickets online for various shows and theatres.
  • Leveraged Redis and Celery for background jobs and used SQLite3 as the database for efficient data storage and retrieval.
  • Utilized Redis for caching to improve system performance and speed, making the application responsive and suitable for a high volume of users.
  • It was a curriculum project for Modern Application Development II, also received a Best Project Award for this project and scored 95/100.
  • Github Best Project Certificate

Taxi Fare Prediction

A ML Project (Sept, 2023 - Dec, 2023)

  • a comprehensive machine learning project as part of a Kaggle Competition, focusing on taxi fare prediction, a Regression problem.
  • Conducted Exploratory data analysis (EDA) to understand the dataset's characteristics and identify key features for predictive modelling.
  • Implemented end-to-end model development, including data preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning.
  • Trained and evaluated four regression models, including Linear Regression, KNN Regressor, Random Forest Regressor, and XGBoost Regressor, achieving the highest R2 score of 0.956 on the test dataset with XGBoost Regressor.
  • It was a curriculum project for Machine Learning Practice and scored 100/100.
  • Python Notebook Kaggle

HSWC Buisness Analysis

Business Data Management Project(Dec, 2022 - April,2023)

  • Performed Data Analysis on 8 months of business data of Haryana State Warehousing Corp. and founded 2 major underlaying problems
  • Identified underutilized and overutilized districts during peak and off-peak seasons by the means of Data Analysis, and developed strategies to address capacity and distribution challenges.
  • Gave 7 Data Driven recommendations to improve efficiency, reduced operating costs, and enhanced profitability for HSWC.
  • It was a curriculum project of Business Data Management, I undertook the project spanning three stages: Proposal, Mid-term submission, and Final submission, culminating in a Viva presentation.
  • Drive

Movies Recommender System

This is a content-based recommender system, which comes under unsupervised learning in Machine Learning, in this project I have used 2 datasets of movies from TMDB(The Movie Data Base) website and manipulated the data (data extraction) according to the requirements, and makes tags on the basis of the required information, and used scikit-learn to search the cosine similarities between the searched movie and the rest of the movies and export them in a pickle file and used the data from the pickle file to show on the webpage with the help of Streamlit library for the overall designing of the webpage and used the TMDB API for the movie posters and hosted the website on the Heroku as a web app.


Object Detection using OpenCV

This project aims to do real-time object detection through a Video or an Image using OpenCV and MobileNetSSD. The idea is to loop over each frame of the video stream, detect objects like Person, Car, MotorBike, TrafficLights, dog, cat etc. all the objects are in Labels.txt file which can be detected and band bound each detection in a box with their Names.


APOD: Astronomical Pic Of the Day

APOD: Astronomical Pic Of the Day This is a Chrome Extension that shows the "Astronomical Picture Of the Day" by using a NASA API with the help of basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and shows a brief about it by fetching details from the API and it refreshes every day!!

This was the First Project of my Coding Journey.
